If something's worth doing, it's worth doing right.


One of the most important decisions you will make before you retire is when and how to start your plan. The difference between the best and worst possible decision of when to start planning is specific to each person. Learn important rules that affect the amount of retirement benefits you collect. Determine the best strategies for investing your assets in order to fund comfortable and sustainable retirement Social Security with your other assets to fund your desired quality of life.

Topics to be Discussed:

• With tax policies changing and tax rates increasing, are you prepared for these changes?

• Tax policies - Who wins, who loses?

• Strategies to help make the most of your Social Security benefits.

• Potentially pay less taxes on your retirement income.

• How to turn existing IRAs into tax-free accounts.

• Volatility - Do you know how much risk you’re taking with your portfolio and how to properly invest in a recession?

• Getting a second opinion - Why getting a second opinion may be one of the most important financial decisions you can make.

These workshops are strictly informational and do not promote any products or companies. A “Hear It. See It. Write It.” teaching method makes it easy for you to understand, retain and profit from the information covered.

Attend one of our workshops to learn how addressing these concerns can help you feel more confident about the days ahead.

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